The occultation of a star by asteroid 2001 SQ82 - 02December 2024

I was lucky in the beginning of December. I managed to make 6 positive occultations in three days. In one night there were 4 positive ones. I am probably the first in the world who managed to do that. I had triplets several times before. The last occultation (asteroid 2001 SQ82 with an estimated diameter of 4.6 km) had beautiful diffraction phenomena visible in the curve.

List of positive occultations from early December:

The map with predicted path:

Light curve from video record.
Diffraction effects during occultation.
The begin of occultation was at 19:51:59.028 UTC +/- 0.009s; end at 19:51:59.906 UTC +/- 0.009s. Total duration is 0.878 +/- 0.012s.