Globular cluster M3 - 30 March 2011

I have spent two nights taking pictures of globular cluster M3. The first one was used for taking light and the second one for capturing RGB information. M3 cluster is impressing - as well as all globular clusters.

Technical information:
Optics:Newton 36cm + Paracorr
Focal:1725mm (1500mm*1,15 due to comacorrector)
Exposure:L: 6h; RGB: 100min:100min:100min => total 11h
Date & time:30 March 2011 from 19:30 UTC (L) + 30 March 2011 from 20:09 (RGB)
Location:Central Europe, Slovakia, Cadca, village Zakopcie
Software:MaximDL; eXcalibrator; Photoshop
Camera:SBIG STL 11000M