Globular cluster M53 - 13 April 2009

There were several months without proper sky. The weather was really very bad. I decided to look at globular cluster M53

After some preparations we decided to try a new CCD camera. This camera has full frame CCD chip. It is really big.
Globular cluster M53 was chosen for testing. In spite of the fact that the weather changed during our testing, we carried out a series of short frames. So this is first light.

This globular cluster (M53) is not too large. Bright central part is only about 2', but entire cluster in diameter is about 13'. Distance from the Earth is about 58,000 lights years and it was discovered in 1775 by Johann Elert Bode.

the picture was taken at Mr. Murin's private observatory

Technical information:
Optics:Newton 610/3000
Exposure:30 x 5s
Date & time:13 April 2009 at 21:51 UTC
Location:Central Europe, Slovakia, Oravska Lesna
Atmosphere:clear sky
Camera:SBIG STL 11000M
Contents:the picture was taken at Mr. Murin's private observatory