Sumár planétkových zákrytov za rok 2013 - 31. december 2013
Celkový prehľad mojich pozorovaní planétkových zákrytov za rok 2013.
- Asteroid
- Číslo
- Hviezda
- Mag
- Dátum a čas
- P
- Phildavis
- 4448
- UCAC2 39292141
- 12.1
- 2013-09-06 02:43
- Arequipa
- 737
- UCAC2 35388735
- 13.8
- 2013-09-06 01:43
- Ella
- 435
- 4UC 426-134017
- 13.1
- 2013-09-06 01:32
- Sollenberger
- 5367
- UCAC2 30278898
- 12.0
- 2013-09-06 00:54
- 1992 OP1
- 10112
- UCAC2 31582965
- 12.2
- 2013-09-06 00:06
- Fredcourant
- 23882
- TYC 54400204
- 11.2
- 2013-09-06 00:05
- Protokol
- Rosema
- 6472
- UCAC2 39439366
- 10.7
- 2013-09-05 23:26
- Protokol
- Bouma
- 9706
- TYC 524601046
- 11.0
- 2013-09-05 21:52
- Protokol
- 1992 HY4
- 7090
- TYC 522801612
- 12.1
- 2013-09-05 21:34
- Protokol
- Svetlanov
- 4135
- TYC 1239-318-1
- 10.5
- 2013-08-31 03:04
- Protokol
- Klotilde
- 583
- TYC 1788-1050-1
- 11.5
- 2013-08-30 23:21
- Protokol
- Monroe
- 3768
- HIP 110796
- 9.2
- 2013-08-15 20:26
- Protokol
- 2000 AO100
- 23129
- 3UC168-134180
- 11.5
- 2013-05-31 23:45
- Henrietta
- 225
- 2UCAC 33074226
- 10.9
- 2013-05-19 01:19
- Protokol
- Hansa
- 480
- PPMX 9668663
- 12.0
- 2013-05-18 23:10
- Protokol
- Bouchet
- 4313
- 3UC200-122659
- 12.9
- 2013-05-17 22:15
- Merapi
- 536
- TYC 2958-867-1
- 11.6
- 2013-04-25 21:27
- Alphonsina
- 925
- 2UCAC 39647755
- 12.2
- 2013-04-14 20:02
- Protokol
Výsledok | Počet | Podiel [%] |
negatívne | 10 | 45.45 |
pozitívne | 4 | 18.18 |
oblaky | 5 | 22.73 |
prekažky | 3 | 13.64 |
Celkom | 22 | |
bol by pozitívny | 0 |
Star | Name of the occulted star |
Mag. | Brightness of the star in magnitudes |
Asteroid | Name of the asteroid |
No. | Number of the asteroid |
Date | Date of the occultation [rrrr-mm-dd] |
Time | Time of the occultation in UTC |
Result | Result of the observing - positive, negative, clouds or obstacles (technical problems + obstacles like trees...) |
P / * | Protokol / This would have been a positive occultation unless there had been any clouds or other problems |