Snowy weekend - 18 February 2012

Region Kysuce, I live in, became paralysed after several days of continuous snowing. There were thousands of trucks on the roads incapable of moving forward, trains ware stopped, cars and buses had serious problems to move as well. The situation was so bad that the army was involved to help.

It was Friday afternoon. We (my children, my wife and I) decided to go to our village wooden house. Our journey began after getting off the bus. The scenery was beautiful. Everywhere was snow, plenty of snow. However, the road is quite good and we did not have any problems to walk. After 20 minutes we reach the last house which people still live in. And good journey ended. To go on was harder and harder. After next 20 minutes we came to a small settlement and bad path totally ended. In front of us there were not any footprints in deep snow. I began to try to make a path for my family in order to reach our house. Although I did my best, I was not able to continue. We had to come back and find a house with people. I borrowed a shovel and made a path for going on. After an hour we can set out again and finally reach our destination.

I spent the whole weekend with shovel in my hands.

There are some photos...

We all survived.
BTW: there is approximately 2m of snow beneath them.


IPcky - ok

At time: 2012-02-21 19:02:20

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At time: 2012-02-20 12:02:17
Tomáš Maruška

Kým som býval na vidieku tak som si aj ja užíval takéto krásne zimy. Odkedy pracujem v meste, tak len s nostalgiou spomínam...

At time: 2012-02-20 12:02:25