Total Lunar Eclipse - 15 June 2011
After 3 years I could see this phenomenon again. It is a nice show and you do not need any expensive lenses for observing. The beginning was hiden behind clouds, so nothing was visible. After a while the sky was getting clearer a clearer and finally I could see our Moon in red colours. There are some photos.

Technical information:
Optics: | refractor |
Focal: | 500mm |
Aperature: | 5 |
Exposure: | 7x30s |
Date & time: | 15 June 2011 |
ISO/ASA: | 1600 |
Camera: | Canon 350D |

Technical information:
Optics: | Newton 36cm + Paracorr |
Focal: | 1725mm (1500mm*1,15 due to comacorrector) |
Aperature: | 4.8 |
Date & time: | 15 June 2011 |
Atmosphere: | clear sky |
Mount: | open fork |
ISO/ASA: | 800 |
Camera: | modified Canon 350D |